Ok...so I am a smoker.
I smoke with my coffee, after a meal, when I feel stressed, after sex...I like to smoke but I do plan to quit...
Apparently, it has become the government's mission to help people like me to realize the error of my ways but scaring the shit out of me with scary pictures of the affects of smoking. I am not sure if this really works.
I read an article today that within the next three years instead of warning labels on our packs of cigarettes there will be gruesome pictures of sore infested mouths, blackend lungs and failing hearts to help push the quit smoking scare tactic. In the subway stations there is this ad with a woman who has lost most of her fingers because of the affects of smoking. When I go to work and cut out for a smoke break I have to endure the comments of co-workers..."that is a really bad habit"..."you should quit"..."that doesn't make you attractive". All of a sudden everyone has a strong opinion about my bad habit and honestly because of my very defensive and defying nature all of the ads and the labels and the taunts just make me want to do the opposite...I want to smoke more...
It really is silly. Do the non-smokers really think that we who do indulge in our nicotine habit are not aware of the horrible affects that the cigarettes have on our bodies? The warning is written on the box in a clear, bold Surgeon General Warning label basically saying that if you continue to do this on a regular basis all of the horrific crap that we have stuffed into these cancer sticks will eventually kill you.
Let me make something clear...everyone who smokes wants to quit.
We talk about it in our small smokers circles outside when we are huddled together trying to get that last puff. I have quit at least three times in the 8+ years that I have been a smoker but have always found myself back to the nasty habit after I go out for a simple beer and bum a smoke. That one cigarette leads to another and then the next thing you know you are buying a pack. And we smokers also agree that smoking is absolutely disgusting.
But quitting the habit will be my own personal triumph...without the truth commercials and the extreme warning labels and the bans and whatever else society comes up with to make smoking the plague of America.
I have set my quitting date.
I have made it my goal to cut the habit in order to live a stronger and healthier life.
But I do ask this...
To all of you out there who have a friend that smokes and you would like to encourage them to quit, do just that encourage and support...
Just saying....