Let's start with the positive:
- First, let me say that if I were rating the movie without comparing it to the original then I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. The movie on its own was very good and filled with all of the elements necessary to make for a thrilling and scary experience.
- The new Freddy Krueger is perfect for the part. The role has been filled by actor Jackie Earle Haley who is best known for his roles as Kelly Leak in The Bad News Bears as a kid. Haley had a bit of a career slump for a while in the 80s and 90s but re-emerged strong in recent years with roles in Watchmen (he played Rorschach) and Little Children as the creepy child molester Ronnie J. McGorver. I knew in my gut that Haley would get the part of Freddy once the remake was announced because physically and from prior film credits he was the perfect choice. He has definitely reinvented the role of Krueger to mold into his particular style without losing the soul of the character. (FUN FACT: Jackie Earle Haley went with a friend to audition for the original Nightmare on Elm Street in 1984 but didn't get the part while his friend who accompanied him ended up starring in the film and going on to be a huge Hollywood star...his friend was Johnny Depp)
- They didn't try to re-write the original masterpiece. Although there are some changes to the story line and the characters but the sequence of events that took place in the original stays the same. This film does provide more flashbacks which makes me question if there will be a sequel to the film even though the ending did leave the option open but I am glad that today's audience is seeing what I saw twenty years ago.
- If I were to compare this effort to the original, I would give the movie 2 out of 5 stars just because the original was SO good. Wes Craven became the slasher movie master with the original Nightmare on Elm Street whose movie stunts and visual effects were not seen or done prior. In the original, Glen's death scene (Johnny's character) gets sucked into his bed followed by a volcanic eruption of blood saturating the room and when Freddy throws Tina around her bedroom before slashing her to shreds right in front of her boyfriend, Rod....CLASSIC. Craven didn't need all of the computer tricks that the film industry relies on today to trip out the audience. This was a time when sound effects were produced with watermelons and soda cans not green screens and PCs. A time when after watching it you said to yourself "how did they do that?!"
- The new Freddy Krueger is good but he sure is different. His appearance is definitely not the since he favors Jackie Earle Haley in looks than the original Freddy Krueger who was masterfully portrayed by Robert Englund. The new Freddy is more menacing and very quick to kill his victims; but the original Freddy was more of a jokester and would toy with his prey much longer before finally ending their lives in his gruesome style. The new Freddy is more bent on revenge with the kids whereas the original Freddy was more interested in screwing with the kids minds so bad that the parents who murdered him were equally if not more tortured by what they had done and what their kids could not escape because of their actions. The original Freddy not only made the movie scary but in a way kind of fun which made him a cult classic. The new Freddy just scares the shit outta ya!
- They didn't completely re-write the script but they did change aspects that made the original much more intersting. In the original film, Freddy was a child murderer who was killed by the parents of the town in a raging fire. The kids who Freddy eventually comes back to haunt are tied together by their parents who murdered him, not by a former pre-school class. Also, the original Freddy's evil went even deeper than the new one. His mother turns out to be a nun who was raped by the patients at an insane asylum making Freddy the son of 1000 maniacs. The original Freddy made a deal with the devil in order to come back and kill. The new Freddy is a child molester who is more hell bent on punishing the kids who turned him into their parents which resulted in him being burned alive by the angry mob. Now I am not saying that being a child molester compared to a child killer makes him less dangerous but in the real world wouldn't the parents just demand justice from the proper authorities instead of forming a lynch mob to scorch the guy.
- Also the key in the original movie was Nancy. It was Nancy's parents who led the mob to kill Freddy in the original film which is why she became the source for Freddy to get to her friends. Her drunken mother and police officer dad were key characters in the story whereas in the new version Nancy's dad is nowhere to be found and her mother is way too calm about the entire situation. Besides the fact, that the original Nancy (played by Heather Langenkamp) was much fiestier and more of a fighter. She stood out from the rest of the teenagers so that you knew there was a specific reason that the story was focused on her character unlike this Nancy who just blends in with the rest of the group until the end of the movie. Langenkamp's Nancy goes on to fight Freddy in two other films, the new Nancy could just disappear for all I care.