I just finished watching the Larry King interview with R&B singer Chris Brown and the more I see this kid speaking out on his own behalf the more you realize how much of a KID he really is.
Brown is only 20 years old and as this fact does not excuse his actions it does give me a different perspective on how to approach my opinion on what happened with him and pop-star Rhianna.
Don't get me wrong: a man should NEVER put is hands on a woman...a real man walks away from an argument if they feel that they are not in control enough to resolve things in a calm manner.
But I have to admit that watching this KID put out these constant videos and participate in numerous interviews to apologize over and over again and reiterate to everyone that his is not Ike Turner is really sad.
The interview in itself was not helpful on his behalf. He doesn't give any information on what led to the beating which he insists is an invasion of privacy for both himself and Rhianna. Rhianna has not spoken either about the incident to clear up as to why this happened. So the public will never know what really happened in that car unless the two persons involved plan to share that information. And for Chris Brown, I think his silence on the matter may be more about the fact that if it comes out that some petty argument led to him slamming his girlfriends head into a window then he will put his career in even further jeopardy; however it might further bring to light how young both Chris and Rhianna are.
Really the best thing for him to do right now is be silent. He will never escape this horrible chapter in his life but going on Larry King and saying you don't remember beating a woman doesn't help. Putting out an apology video on your website that came off as him reading a pre-written statment doesn't help. Calling people HATERS and promoting your new album on an additional video doesn't help. If his advisors are good, they should be informing him of how much all of the statments and appearances he have made him seem insincere and unapologetic. His appearance on Larry King seemed to emote a person who was lacked remorse and really just wished this whole mess was behind him. The best thing for him to do is to just get the help that he needs without involving the media aspect to keep his fans. I must admit that as much as I don't like what Brown has done, I still think the kid is a great talent and really like his music.
What Brown needs is solid counseling, a positive male influence and time to grow as an individual. Not to be ridiculed by some he felt were colleagues and friends within his profession (hint: Jay-Z, Kanye West, Oprah Winfrey). And if Brown needs counseling then so does Rhianna. Take into account her actions after the incident:
1. Brown turned himself; Rhianna didn't call the police
2. Rhianna did not want to press charges (and I am sure everyone reading this saw the pictures of the girl's face)
3. Three weeks after the incident, the two of them are photographed basically vacationing together at Sean Combs' Florida mansion after he supposedly beat her to death
The bottom line is I think it is crazy to judge and criticize the boy so bad and say his career should be over for one mistake. I mean, if we can forgive Michael Vick then why not Chris Brown.
Just saying...