Tuesday, September 1, 2009

YAY for 30!!!

In exactly 119 days I will be turning the big 3-0 and to be honest I was extremely excited.

At least I was until...I saw this shirt.

And I read these quotes:

"I'm turning thirty this year. And you know the saying, a woman over thirty is more likely to get hit by an A bomb than find a man."

-Fanny Fink

Congratulations, you've made it through a third of your life.


And then I made the mistake of opening and reading these articles on the internet that gave a list of things that one should have accomplished before turning thirty years old.
Then...I started to panic.
I mean real bad panic attack with hyperventilating and crying and not being able to sleep. I mean I haven't accomplished half of the things on the list yet and am nowhere near getting married...hell I am not even dating at the moment.
Okay...so the panic attack slowly went away and then I got angry.
How come 30 gets such a bad wrap...
at 13 you become a teenager
at 16 you become sweet
at 18 you become eligible to serve your country and buy cigarettes legally
at 21 you can throw your fake I.D. in the trash
at 25 you're halfway through your 20s and all the college binge drinking didn't kill you
at 40 you're finally an adult and the new 20
What the hell is wrong with 30?
The answer is Nothing!!!!
The person who finally told me this....my mommy! (LOL!!!)
The truth of the matter is I hated my twenties. It is a decade of insecurity, trying to find who you are, lots of drinking and (and in my case) wasting time with all the wrong men and though I had some really fun moments I can't say that I would ever want to repeat that period of my life.
You see, 30 gets less recognition because it falls in the middle. You're not young anymore but you're definitely not old. You know at 30 that you are too young to be worrying about retirement but you're too old to be dressing up for Halloween and having themed birthday parties. You're too young to be concerned that you will never get married but you're too old to still be chasing 18 year olds.
That's it.
The rules just change a bit but the 30s decade is for taking all of the mistakes that you made in your 20s and learning from them. It's about becoming the person you were discovering in your first real decade of adulthood. It's about being better and realizing that your time is not up but still just beginning.
So for all of those out there who are turning or have turned the big 3-0. I say let's raise a glass and toast to being in the middle!
Thanks MOM!


  1. Being in your 30's is great! You've matured, and the world finally begins to respect you. You're more secure with who you are and where you want to go in your life. I personally loved turning 30, but freaked out when I turned 31...for some reason I had the thought in my head that it was a bad thing to be "in" your 30's?!?!? But now that I'm here, I absolutely love it! The one downside that I can think of is really recognizing death. Losing close loved ones of family and friends...even celebrities. I personally thought that my grandmoms, Luther Vandross, Barry White and Michael Jackson would live forever, but that's the reality of getting older. I still feel young though (at least spirited anyway), and as this decade of my life is about end real soon, I look forward to starting a new chapter...my 40's!

  2. Yeah 30's (all 9 months of it so far) have been ok.I had the same freak out trust me, especially about not being married or dating or having kids. But 've learned alot this year so far about myself and others. u'll enjoy your 30th birthday, do it big ( i did Vegas w/my Best friends)and let the rest of the year roll out
