Monday, November 9, 2009

Katt Williams: Pimp Meltdown Vol.1

The picture basically says it all...Katt Williams has lost his damn mind.
WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYY IS IT....that our black stars always find a way to take their success and allow it to be overshadowed by drug habits, gun possession and mug shots like the one above.
I mean don't get me wrong, we all know that Katt Williams is a little off. I mean most comedians are and they have to be to get up on stage with that much energy and come up with jokes that practically make the audience roll on the floor with laughter. The last comedy special I watched starring Katt had my ab muscles in more pain than I get from doing 200 crunches. But I think Mr. Williams might have taken a hit from way too many blunts.
We all know about Katt's love for the mary jane. He jokes about it all the time and he is not the first comedian to do so. It always baffles me how comedians and rappers go on television and openly confess that they partake in the daily use of an illegal substance and don't get arrested for it . I mean don't get me wrong, I think that the ban on the lady mary is a bit ridiculous but let's face it...rules are rules...I guess that only applies to us regular folks. And yes, we think that marijuana is harmless but I don't think that lady mary is all Katt is smoking.
Remember back in '97 when our beloved Martin Lawrence began his legal troubles. He was trippin out for a real hot minute. Assaulting random people in clubs, sexually harrassing Gina on the set of his hit show and then going out jogging in 100 degree weather with enough layers of clothes on for a winter in Antarctica. The man almost killed himself that day, nearly frying his brain and ending up in a coma. Later, Martin came out and admitted that he got a hold of some bad stuff which led to his erratic behavior during one incident when he decided to pull a gun and going running down the freeway like a madman. was lady mary but she didn't act alone.
Luckily, Martin was able to recover and I was so glad because he is another great talent that I only want to see experience success. So this is my personal plea to Katt.
Come back to us, brotha!!! We miss the original playa!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Rihanna Breaks Her Silence

Since the incident took place we have heard so many opinions on the Rihanna/Chris Brown assault. In regards to the two involved, for the past few months the only side we have heard was Chris Brown's. His constant on-air, teleprompter recited apologies to Rihanna and his fans. His constant rants on You-Tube explaining that he is not a monster. And lets not forget his terrible Larry King interview with his mother and lawyer helping to explain how unlike him this situation is, how great of a kid he is and how much of a second chance he deserves. For months we've heard him not really tell his side of the story but begging for forgiveness from anyone who would listen. Well...on Friday, November 5th it was finally Rihanna's turn to break her silence. And at the end of the interview...I was so glad that she did.

I have to admit that when it happened I did look for reasons as to why she might have been responsible for what went wrong. Maybe she started the argument that resulted in him losing his temper. Maybe she hit him first which did nothing but add fuel to the fire. I like many went by the public image that I knew of Chris Brown. The squeaky, clean R&B teen sensation with a great smile and attitude who wears bow ties for goodness sakes and dances like the new age Michael Jackson. To me and to millions of others he couldn't have done this without being provoked...right? But then the pictures of her bruised face became public and the details of the injuries sustained became known and the realization came that this boy turned into an animal that night. Rihanna herself described Brown as having no soul in his eyes as he beat her, bit her and threatened to kill her.
What baffled us all was that three weeks after this hideous attack, Rihanna went back. Her description of Brown as a youngster who reached superstardom very early (like herself) and with that comes a sense of power and entitlement that even most adults can't handle. For both Rihanna and Brown the word "NO" is probably hardly something they encounter which most likely explains why he snapped and she went back. However, I think her wake up call came when everything seemed to go back to normal for Chris Brown but she could not erase the empty eyes that looked at her while hurting her for what probably seemed like forever at the time. Besides being a public figure, an international superstar whose major fan base are young women who could possibly be trapped in the same situation gave Rihanna a sense of responsibility that finally made her say no more to Brown and let the relationship go forever.
What the interview did do was help to recognize how we as women. even the strongest women, end up allowing men to get away with hurting us. Being on the receiving end of a man's anger especially when it leads to physical violence changes everything. Even if you spent years with that person and loved them more than anything in the world, that one moment changes the way you look at them for that point on. They are not the same because the second they put their hands on you in a hurtful way they crumble a piece of that love and it disappears. I understood Rihanna's embarrassment because to the world around her she is this strong, independent and beautiful woman who can be with anyone. I think it is because of these qualities that she was unable to immediately leave what was a volatile situation for a long time. The belief that she could handle it, the bruises would go away and her strength would carry her through. These are just some of the reasons many women do not leave or end up going back.
In truth, the saying that a man who hits you once will hit you again stands true and for Rihanna was proven as it came to our attention that this was not the first time Brown had put his hands on her in a violent way. But I was so proud of Rihanna for telling her story and giving a better understanding as to why the battered have a tendency to return to the batterer; but also she showed all of her female fans that it takes even more strength to walk away. I do hope that she and Brown seek the help they need to heal from this horrific incident and to move on as both are very young and have a lifetime ahead of them.